A group of six crazy nerds use the rules of the Starfinder TTRPG to get pulled through the Signal of Screams Adventure Path by Paizo, Inc. Feel what it's like to sit around with some friends and watch them get ripped apart by this horror themed adventure, all from the comfort of your commute. Listen as the players grapple with horrible monstrosities, fight off terrifying thoughts, and plunge into the unknown.

Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Episode 100 - Swarriors and Swingin!
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
HAPPY 100TH EPISODE! We get a short break from the Sloopers and check in with Absalom Station, to see what the player's old characters are up to. A little celebratory snippet of events in another place. When we come back we resume with Tarkus being pulled to the side of a wide cavern by strange changing gravity. The worst part? The black bubbles lining the walls are incredible deadly to life forms! How will he resist the gravity? Who jumps in to help? Wat bright idea does one of the crew have? What is the update on Bobchilius (always have to ask it)? What part of their plan goes horribly awry and what part goes incredibly well? Find out all that and more on this episode of the Space Bois Podcast!
Discord: discord.gg/wCYuJXPKkM
Twitter: @spaceboispod (GIVE-AWAY soon!)
Email: spaceboispodcast@gmail.com
Starfinder is one of the best TTRPGs out there, heck one of the best rpgs out there (one of the best games?). It was made by Paizo, the same people who made Pathfinder. We are a group of friends playing this scifi/fantasy game, playing through the Signal Of Screams Adventure Path. It is a horror and action filled adventure that makes these wonderful characters come face to face with cosmic horrors. Join the crew and follow their gaming expertise to find out what happens next!

Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Episode 99 - The Waking Nightmare Part 2
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Part 1 was Episode 24! The crew starts their battle against their old foe, Teodhor from the FIRST BOOK of this adventure! Except this time, he has backup from "his boys"... Who or what could they be? What kind of fight breaks out? Who makes a terrible decison really early on? Who makes an amazing play that helps to counter the trash tier one? What kind of tricks do the Sloopers have up their sleeve? How useful is Bobchilius today? Who officially joins the Bob hate train? What off putting discovery do they make? Find out all that and more on this episode of the Space Bois Podcast!
Interact with us!
Discord: discord.gg/wCYuJXPKkM
Twitter: @spaceboispod (GIVE-AWAY at 300 Twitter followers)
Email: spaceboispodcast@gmail.com
Starfinder is one of the best TTRPGs out there, heck one of the best rpgs out there (one of the best games?). It was made by Paizo, the same people who made Pathfinder. We are a group of friends playing this scifi/fantasy game, playing through the Signal Of Screams Adventure Path. It is a horror and action filled adventure that makes these wonderful characters come face to face with cosmic horrors. Join the crew and follow their gaming expertise to find out what happens next!

Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Episode 98 - Ode of the Scatting Cadavers
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
The Sloopers lick there wounds and stumble upon a horrible room of fleeeesssssshhhhhhhh. What is this flesh for? What dangers lie within? What dangers lie within you? A little too deep there. What problem does Dr. Squish make for himself? What do Fimbria and Tarkus fight about this time? Which one helps out the other? Whose the biggest hater of Bobchilius today? Is it you? What kind of horrible memory awaits them in the flesh room? Find out all that and more on this episode of the Space Bois Podcast!
Interact with us!
Discord: discord.gg/wCYuJXPKkM
Twitter: @spaceboispod (GIVE-AWAY at 300 Twitter followers)
Email: spaceboispodcast@gmail.com
Starfinder is one of the best TTRPGs out there, heck one of the best rpgs out there (one of the best games?). It was made by Paizo, the same people who made Pathfinder. We are a group of friends playing this scifi/fantasy game, playing through the Signal Of Screams Adventure Path. It is a horror and action filled adventure that makes these wonderful characters come face to face with cosmic horrors. Join the crew and follow their gaming expertise to find out what happens next!

Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Episode 97 - Bullet Time Ain’t so Fine
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
The crew continues their fight against a magical robot and find it increasingly difficult to make any headway. Their attempts to get close are thwarted by the slowing effect and the lighting keeps striking one of them for massive damage! What do they try to do to get rid of this thing? What powers does it have left to use? How hard do they fail? What do they discover about the lightning? Who becomes very useful in this fight? What about our boi Bobchilius? Find out all that and more on this episode of the Space Bois Podcast!
Interact with us!
Discord: discord.gg/wCYuJXPKkM
Twitter: @spaceboispod (GIVE-AWAY at 300 Twitter followers)
Email: spaceboispodcast@gmail.com
Starfinder is one of the best TTRPGs out there, heck one of the best rpgs out there (one of the best games?). It was made by Paizo, the same people who made Pathfinder. We are a group of friends playing this scifi/fantasy game, playing through the Signal Of Screams Adventure Path. It is a horror and action filled adventure that makes these wonderful characters come face to face with cosmic horrors. Join the crew and follow their gaming expertise to find out what happens next!

Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Episode 96 - The Wrangling of Ghorbash
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
The Sloopers reel after Ghorbash's memories have been stolen, leaving him in a much simpler state. They find even more deadly horrors in the very next room! What kinds of problems does Ghorbash cause for the crew? Hoe does Bobchilius fair in the group as a whole? How do they prepare for the next room? What kinds of tricks does Trakus have up his sleeves? What waits for them in the next room? What kind of odd horrific memory is planted here? Find out all that and more on this episode of the Space Bois Podcast!
Interact with us!
Discord: discord.gg/wCYuJXPKkM
Twitter: @spaceboispod (GIVE-AWAY at 300 Twitter followers)
Email: spaceboispodcast@gmail.com
Starfinder is one of the best TTRPGs out there, heck one of the best rpgs out there (one of the best games?). It was made by Paizo, the same people who made Pathfinder. We are a group of friends playing this scifi/fantasy game, playing through the Signal Of Screams Adventure Path. It is a horror and action filled adventure that makes these wonderful characters come face to face with cosmic horrors. Join the crew and follow their gaming expertise to find out what happens next!

Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Episode 95 - Snug like a Bug in Rug
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
The crew faces off against a horrible bug monstrosity. And this bug packs a big punch! What kinds of probelms does the bug cause? Who in the crew faces down certain death? How is the Bobby boy doing? Who officially joins the Bobby hate train? What kind of BS tactics do the players pull out this time? HOW CAN THEY WIN AGINST THIS HORRIBLE BUG-A-BOO? Find out all that and more on this episode of the Space Bois Podcast!
Interact with us!
Discord: discord.gg/wCYuJXPKkM
Twitter: @spaceboispod (GIVE-AWAY at 300 Twitter followers)
Email: spaceboispodcast@gmail.com
Starfinder is one of the best TTRPGs out there, heck one of the best rpgs out there (one of the best games?). It was made by Paizo, the same people who made Pathfinder. We are a group of friends playing this scifi/fantasy game, playing through the Signal Of Screams Adventure Path. It is a horror and action filled adventure that makes these wonderful characters come face to face with cosmic horrors. Join the crew and follow their gaming expertise to find out what happens next!

Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Episode 94 - Homunculus Shmoo-munculus
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
The Sloopers come up against a horrible monstrosity! Two humanoids fused at the waist and marred with horrible scars! The first room of the Museum of the Mind packs a wallop against the crew! What kind of dangers are there? What can this horrible monstrosity do? What creepy information lies at the heart of this room? What lies beyond? How are they feeling about Bobchillius? How are you? Find out all that and more on this episode of the Space Bois Podcast!
Interact with us!
Discord: discord.gg/wCYuJXPKkM
Twitter: @spaceboispod (GIVE-AWAY at 300 Twitter followers)
Email: spaceboispodcast@gmail.com
Starfinder is one of the best TTRPGs out there, heck one of the best rpgs out there (one of the best games?). It was made by Paizo, the same people who made Pathfinder. We are a group of friends playing this scifi/fantasy game, playing through the Signal Of Screams Adventure Path. It is a horror and action filled adventure that makes these wonderful characters come face to face with cosmic horrors. Join the crew and follow their gaming expertise to find out what happens next!

Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Episode 93 - Museum of the Mind
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
The crew finds themselves pushing towards the mountain and those massive white doors. What kind of horrors lie just beyond those doors? What kind of horrors lie awaiting in their dreams? How does sleeping on this heart affect their dreams? What kind of information do they discover? How do people like the ol' Bobchilius? What team are you on? What things lurk in the dark? Find out all that and more on this episode of the Space Bois Podcast!
Interact with us!
Discord: discord.gg/wCYuJXPKkM
Twitter: @spaceboispod (GIVE-AWAY at 300 Twitter followers)
Email: spaceboispodcast@gmail.com
Starfinder is one of the best TTRPGs out there, heck one of the best rpgs out there (one of the best games?). It was made by Paizo, the same people who made Pathfinder. We are a group of friends playing this scifi/fantasy game, playing through the Signal Of Screams Adventure Path. It is a horror and action filled adventure that makes these wonderful characters come face to face with cosmic horrors. Join the crew and follow their gaming expertise to find out what happens next!

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Episode 92 - The Last Resort
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
The Sloopers try to find a safe place to prepare, but while exploring a trap springs on them... and something else is on their tail... What could it be or... who could it be? A surprise encounter starts as shadow chains descend upon Dr. Squish and Bobchilius! What kind of danger do those chains pose? What is this surprise encounter? Who/what could it be? What is that vaguely familiar voice? Can Bobchilius muster up the courage to ask for healing, finally?! Find out all that and more on this episode of the Space Bois Podcast!
Interact with us!
Discord: discord.gg/wCYuJXPKkM
Twitter: @spaceboispod (GIVE-AWAY at 300 Twitter followers)
Email: spaceboispodcast@gmail.com
Starfinder is one of the best TTRPGs out there, heck one of the best rpgs out there (one of the best games?). It was made by Paizo, the same people who made Pathfinder. We are a group of friends playing this scifi/fantasy game, playing through the Signal Of Screams Adventure Path. It is a horror and action filled adventure that makes these wonderful characters come face to face with cosmic horrors. Join the crew and follow their gaming expertise to find out what happens next!

Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Episode 91 - The Bobchilius Blues
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
The crew enters combat with some kind of strange naked hound creature...without a head! What kind of nasty surprises doe sthis ghoulish hound have? What can it do with that chain going down the length of it's spine? What logistical error leaves the heroes reeling? Just how badly, and how amazingly, does this combat go? Was saving Bobchilius worth it? Are you on team Bob-chill or team Bob-kill? Find out all that and more on this episode of the Space Bois Podcast!
Interact with us!
Discord: discord.gg/wCYuJXPKkM
Twitter: @spaceboispod (GIVE-AWAY at 300 Twitter followers)
Email: spaceboispodcast@gmail.com
Starfinder is one of the best TTRPGs out there, heck one of the best rpgs out there (one of the best games?). It was made by Paizo, the same people who made Pathfinder. We are a group of friends playing this scifi/fantasy game, playing through the Signal Of Screams Adventure Path. It is a horror and action filled adventure that makes these wonderful characters come face to face with cosmic horrors. Join the crew and follow their gaming expertise to find out what happens next!